Homes On 30A ® 850-687-1064

Insuring Your Second Home on Scenic 30a

Your Real Estate Agent and Homeowners Insurance


The majority of homes sold in our area here along 30A are purchased by people who do not live in the state of Florida. Most of these purchases are also second homes, most of which are placed in vacation rental programs. Given these facts and the changes in
insurance regulations it has never been more important than now that you have a real estate agent that is knowledgeable about homeowners insurance and also has the ability to get you in touch with the experts. Your agents here at Homes on 30A use the best insurance company with the best agents, hands down, in the entire area to handle this process Here are some things to remember about insurance coverage:

This entire area is classified as a barrier island. However, there are areas here that do not “require” flood insurance. We strongly suggest you get a flood policy along with your homeowners package. If you do not have flood insurance, you do not have “full hurricane coverage”!

The biggest factors in determining cost and availability of coverage are as follows;

1. Age of dwelling. The older the dwelling, the more inspection/mitigation required.

2. Use and type of ownership. Second homes not on rental programs are easier and less expensive. Homes purchased in an individuals name vs. an LLC or a trust are preferable.

3. Location; Flood zone classifications and base elevation of structures.

Other factors that will apply are construction details, amount of coverage, foundation type, wind mitigation components etc.. Do not ever hesitate to ask questions about your homeowners coverage. If you are using an experienced, professional agent, they will not hesitate to refer you to a qualified insurance expert to assist you. for all of your real estate needs. 850.213.0890